#AffordableHousingScheme #FlatsInGurgaon

Haryana Government notified the ‘Haryana Affordable Housing Scheme’. A buyer-starved Gurugram Real Estate market latched on to this scheme and started launching project after project, keeping ‘Affordable’ as the buzz word. How did the government achieve this miracle of making housing affordable by simply drafting a policy?


#1: Reduced minimum land requirement for a group housing project from 10 acres to 5 acres. Impact: Reduced financial burden for purchase of land.

#2: Increase in Floor Area Ration (FAR) from 1.75 to 2.25 acres. Developers would therefore be able to build 98,010 sq ft as against 76,230 sq ft earlier. Impact: More apartments per acre.

#3: Density increased from 450 PPA to 900 PPA (assuming 5 persons per dwelling unit). While developers were unable to fully utilize the FAR of 1.75 due to lower density norms, they would now be able to utilize the entire 2.25 FAR due to increased density allowance. Impact: More apartments per acre. To give you a measure of the impact, against 48 apartments per acre earlier, now a developer can construct 110+ apartments per acre.

#4: No EWS in a society to reduce element of cross subsidy.

#5: No Dedicated Car Parking. Licenses for Huda affordable housing projects in Gurgaon will be given on first come first serve bases. The policy was made for preferably cities and towns with the purpose of making affordable housing in Gurgaon sector 63A, Sector 79, Sector 108, Sector 37C, Sector 99A and many more.

Eligibility Criteria for the eligible beneficiaries identified in the Affordable Housing project under Housing for All-2018:

a. The first preference in allotment will be given to physically Handicapped persons, senior citizens, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, minority, single women, transgender and other weaker and vulnerable sections of the society among the eligible beneficiaries of same town identified in Affordable Housing Project under Housing for All-2018.

b. Second preference will be given to physically Handicapped persons, senior citizens, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, minority, single women, transgender and other weaker and vulnerable sections of the society among the eligible beneficiaries of other towns identified in Affordable Housing Project under Hosing for All-2018. c. Third preference will be given to the eligible identified beneficiaries not included in the point no. “a” and “b” of the said town.


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